Saturday, December 12, 2009

How do I safely sanitize a catcher's mask after every inning to protect the kids from head lice?

A few years ago the league had a head lice outbreak. Since then we haven't had another outbreak. This is mostly due to the fact that all the girls are encouraged to get their own helmet. When I was helping the catcher put on her gear I realized that the catcher's equipment is used by all that catch. I asked the pharmacist at the nearby store, and she was unsure how to protect the girls. Does anyone know how to clean it to help protect the girls? It needs to be safe to use after every inning. It gets hot so we try to rotate the girls. It also needs to be fast. Any ideas you can give me to help would be great!How do I safely sanitize a catcher's mask after every inning to protect the kids from head lice?
Try mixing a few drops of tea tree oil into a spray bottle of water. Lice don't like it!How do I safely sanitize a catcher's mask after every inning to protect the kids from head lice?
Only thing I can think of is the lice spray. it's available next to the lice treatments. You could spray it quickly and it dries quickly, but it could become costly.

Thanks for being diligent! This is an awful thing to get rid of.

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